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Babies, Bellies, & Bubbles

Learn how to engage with your baby in a developmentally-appropriate way through play!

Babies, Bellies, & Bubbles is an online *VIDEO* course with an interactive workbook that will help you navigate the woes of babyhood. By empowering you with knowledge of WHY and HOW the baby's body works, you will be able to better understand and troubleshoot issues as they arise. 

If you’re like most moms, the fourth trimester can hit you like a ton of bricks. You hear a crying baby but don’t know why. Your nipples are raw and the tears are flowing. The baby blues as well as post-partum anxiety/depression can be REAL and also very limiting.

Many of my clients say they know they heard there are classes to take and exercises to do, but they have trouble finding time when they get stuck pumping, or when baby has a few bad days in a row, or life gets in the way.

The truth is that it is ABSOLUTELY possible to turn the crying, hungry, and tired baby into the cool, calm, collected, and happy baby that we know is inside. I know because countless clients have transformed their babies by empowering themselves with the knowledge found in this class. 

In this course, you will learn the neurology and physiology behind infant development. There are simple massages, stretches, and exercises that you will learn to facilitate appropriate movement. The more of a habit that you make the exercises, the bigger the benefit to the baby. In fact, these exercises can also lengthen the time between manual bodywork sessions if your child is receiving them.

 In the Babies, Bellies, & Bubbles course and workbook you’ll learn:

-how our current work environment is affecting positioning in the womb

-what the cranial nerves in the head are and how they impact the activities of daily living

⁃ what to do when the cranial nerves are pinched

⁃ how tongue ties can create tension patterns on the body

⁃ How to position and move your baby to unwind any unwanted tension patterns

⁃ why starting early yields better results

Breathing Beauties

Breathing beauties is a course designed to help professionals learn about a variety of difficulties that effect the way babies sleep.

In this course you will learn:

-The most common pathological dysfunctions causing sleep disturbances

-The most common neurological dysfunctions causing sleep disturbances

-Deep dive into tethered oral tissues (tongue, lip, and buccal ties)

-The importance of before and aftercare for anatomical issues relating to sleep

-Which medical providers are best referred for different pathologies

-The role of individual therapeutic and holistic practitioners

-When and where to refer out

Research studies provided for further investigation

Checklist worksheet to help you through your discovery call

Crabby Babies: a guide to symmetrical movement from 4 months through walking

Crabby babies is a combo course of a webinar style mixed with individual videos that will take your baby to the next level. We address causes behind symmetry issues in babies like continued tension patterns from tongue ties, in utero constraint, etc in order to facilitate proper movement. Teach your baby the age appropriate motor pattern BEFORE they figure it out the only way that they know how. Don't forget to upgrade with the oral motor mini course if you're not already working on babies feeding skills! 

No, it's not just "colic". A parent's guide to assessing your baby

If your baby has any of these symptoms going on:

-Baby hiccups often

-Baby wakes often

-Baby lifts and lowers legs when trying to sleep

-Baby is crankier in the evening

-Baby spits up

-Baby arches back

-Baby’s tummy rumbles

-Baby has white on their tongue

-Baby sleeps with their head in one direction more than the other

-Baby has blisters or cobblestones on their lips

-Baby pulls off the breast/bottle often

-Baby dribbles milk

-Baby makes a wheezing sound when drinking

-A clicking sound is heard while drinking

-Baby is slow to gain weight

- Deep creases seen in babys neck, arm, or thigh rolls

-Baby sleeps with mouth open

-Baby sounds congested

-Baby snores

-Baby startles often

Then this mini course is for you!

This 5 part training will help you get to the bottom of your baby's feeding, sleep, tension, and movement difficulties so you're no longer gaslighted by friends, family, and doctors. Become a sleuth with the head to toe assessment tools so you can be your child's best advocate. Then have the opportunity to remedy the issues from home!

Dive in now with this low introductory price of just $27! Hurry, this offer won't last long!

Oral Motor Mini!

Welcome to the oral motor mini course. In this asynchronous extra you will get the step by step guide to unlocking the cranial nerves and improving oral motor skills for infants. Working oral motor skills will help improve tongue resting posture, feeding, sleep, and speech. This mini course should be used as an add on to the babies bellies and bubbles OR crabby babies courses. 

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